On 10/25/10 4:24 PM, I am Tosk wrote:
In article2JidnXRjvfjqeVjRnZ2dnUVZ_oqdnZ2d@earthlink .com,
On 10/25/10 4:07 PM, JustWaitAFrekinMinute! wrote:
On Oct 25, 3:56 pm, Secular wrote:
On 10/25/10 3:42 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 14:01:29 -0400, I am Tosk
Great going guys!
Can peace in the middle east be far off ;-)
... or Pearl Harbor...snerk... ok, ok, I'll stop... 
I would really like to see the level of hostility dial down a notch or
Everyone really seems to be pretty good people. We should be able to
be nicer to each other.
I guess I am starting to sound like Rodney King. ;-)
The troika of id spoofers is still active and hostile. Virtually
everyone else so far seems to be in a more hospitable mood.
Some people can control themselves and others...can't.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If you can't filter one guy, you are really not serious about this
Why should ID spoofers and ID stealers be tolerated? And it's three, not
one, unless you have evidence it is one person doing it.
Whatever harry. Not to start, but..... you asking someone to stop
disrupting the group is about as credible as me or slammer asking the
same... We all have our history and at least one of us deserves all that
comes our way so how about we make a deal? You get back to grills, guns,
boats, and uh, fine entertainment, and we will get back to guitars,
dogs, horses, beer, movies, motorcycles, all the other **** you hate,
and sometimes even boats. BTW, I won't be responsible for the spoofers
the way you tried to dump it on Tim, and I won't ask you to be
responsible for bonnie, secord, and JPS... Just you and me, side deal,
bugger all else for now...What say you? Put up or shut up, and sig files
count, you in?
Tosk, "the hunted"...
I told you already, I don't give a damn what you post about...I simply
*suggested* you label your off-topic posts OT. I'm trying to remember to
do that.
I'm also not asking anyone to stop disrupting; I'm merely pointing out
that the disruptors are still actively disrupting and obviously do not
care whether this group gets back on track.
I also did not try to dump anything on Tim. I merely pointed out to Tim
that even following his suggestion made no difference.
For the record, I do not *hate* guitars, dogs, horses, beer, movies or
motorcycles. I have a guitar, I've had dogs, I've ridden horses, I go to
movies and I have a motorcycle.