Article about BushCo use of words
Well, I guess if Bush is a liar because of the "Nuclear Comment", so are
Sen. Kerry and Former President Clinton. They speechified about Saddam's
nuclear ambitions, and the attempt to purchase Yellowcake Uranium from
"jps" wrote in message
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
He fu*ked us all with his quoted. 'Well, I guess I did raise taxes too
much'. Also it was not a lie about a blow job, it was a lie in a
on sexual harassment suit!
He shoulda taken the 5th and told whomever was asking the questions that
personal life was none of their ****ing business. His problem was pussy
footing around (so to speak).
Bush started out lying, now he's trying to pass the buck to the person
arm he twisted in order to tell the lie in the first place.
They're both liars. Bush's lies have resulted in American deaths.
Clinton's lie just gave the Republicans a chance to derail his agenda.
country looses in both cases.