"John H" wrote in message
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 21:37:52 -0800, "Califbill"
"John H" wrote in message
.. .
....when you're at anchor, the water is calm, the sun is setting, and the
are painted in glorious color...
Great trumpet playing. Odd that she plays off to the side of the mouth a
small amount. Maybe I could have been that good in Junior High School when
I played if I moved it off to the side a little. :}
It looks weird, but she makes a nice, clean sound with the trumpet.
Not really weird. Just seems as if the teeth and lip would not be correct
off to the side. I played trumpet, French Horn and Mellophone in Junior
High School. Wanted to be a drummer, but band leader liked my brass
playing. I think he really wanted me in brass as I was big enough to play a