Weird group dynamics on a sailing trip
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 16:51:58 -0800 (PST), Frogwatch
HAving just completed a great sailing trip with 4 men on a small (28')
sailboat, I am still amazed at how it went. NO arguing or tension, no
feelings of lack of personal space, general agreement on most things
and we parted as good friends. HOW is this possible? It amazes me so
much that I have puzzled over it for days.
Consider: Person A, myself, extreme introvert who is self confident
in all techie matters but not so much in people things.
Person B. Another introvert, even more than myself
Person C. Less introverted than A or B but still on the introverted
Person D. EXTREME extrovert. Never stops talking and constantly
makes jokes about everything.
Being the boat owner, having far more sailing experience than the
others and being oldest, I was clearly captain on the water. While
ashore, I relinquished responsibility to Person D most of the time.
All of the group except Person C were cavers so tend to be self
I maintain that Person D was the critical component in maintaining
group harmony but am not sure why.
This experience will certainly cause me to evaluate groups before
future trips. I had actually been sorta dreading the enforced
closeness but miss the group now that it is over.
Are any of the four given to being disagreeable by nature? I chalk it
up to being men and being on vacation.