Auto Repair Help - Looking for parts!
On 1/26/11 2:03 PM, *e#c wrote:
On Jan 26, 10:22 am, wrote:
In articlefec17c9c-9bd8-4bc9-9d25-a1b8c7676be1, says...
On Jan 25, 7:10 pm, L wrote:
StacyLHoustonAutoRepair wrote:
I am staying in Houston. I have a 2010 GT Convertible, and i need a
Hardtop for my convertible as I am moving to France for couple of years
in a month's time. So it would be great help if anyone can help me get
Thank you
Go to West Marine and buy some fiberglass and resin. Apply liberally to
your convertible top. Sand it smooth and paint it to match.
Loogy, why don't you.....
Go to West Marine and buy some fiberglass and resin. Apply liberally
your mouth, and let dry.
I thought *I* was loogy???
I see you've switched sock puppets ....again. Wait..maybe you made a
spelling error in your booze-induced state?
It's LoogySpooker. :)