On 2/1/11 7:16 AM, BAR wrote:
In articleJ_udnfIOYJAxvdrQnZ2dnUVZ_jKdnZ2d@earthlink .com, payer3389
@mypacks.net says...
On 1/31/11 3:47 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 14:45:33 -0500,
On 1/31/11 2:42 PM, Frogwatch wrote:
Obamas EPA has ruled that refiners can be forced to produce 15%
ethanol fuel. Of course, this will destroy many existing engines,
Just try to find ethanol free fuel. Even at marinas it is not often
available. Not only will this destroy engines, it will kill people
whose boat fuel systems leak due to the ethanol, another case of WTF
for Obama.
Oh, puh-lease.
He's just whacked out because Obama is black.
I never had any fuel-related problems with my Merc or Yamaha engines.
Frogwatch does not maintain his boats properly, so one can imagine how
poorly he maintains his outboard. He also apparently has no external
fuel filter on his boat, and probably doesn't change the little one
inside his outboard.
That's because they were drive-way queens. Your problem was the rubber
seals dry rotting.
This from an asshole who hasn't owned a boat for many, many years, if he
ever owned one.
Oh, and if my boats were "driveway queens," I would have been much more
likely to have ethanol-based problems. If you had taken a few science
courses instead of playing toy soldier, you might have known that.
Your "Navy" family should have bitten the bullet and sent you to a
Jesuit high school, where you would have learned to appreciate learning
for learning's sake.