In article , payer3389 says...
Lawsuit Over Video
Andrew Breitbart, the owner of several conservative Web sites, was
served at the (CPAC)conference on Saturday with a lawsuit filed by
Shirley Sherrod, the former Agriculture Department employee who lost her
job last year over a video that Mr. Brietbart posted at his site
The video was selectively edited so that it appeared Ms. Sherrod was
confessing she had discriminated against a farmer because he was white.
In the suit, which was filed in Washington on Friday, Ms. Sherrod says
the video has damaged her reputation and prevented her from continuing
her work.
Mr. Breitbart said in a statement that he ?categorically rejects the
transparent effort to chill his constitutionally protected free speech.?
Just wait until discovery. It will be very interesting When Ms.
Sherrod?s co-workers, business associates, friends and acquaintances are
all called in to be deposed.