On Feb 13, 6:48*pm, the answer wrote:
In article a615a828-6abe-47a2-85d2-
On Feb 13, 5:13*pm, "paul@byc" wrote:
Since the "righties" both in actual numbers and in sockpuppets outnumber
the conservatives and liberals here by at least 20 to 1, it is within
their power to make this a more interesting, less abusive newsgroup.
But, obviously, it is not within their interest.
I'm proud to be a progressive.
Well, the spoofing dip****s have nothing to offer anyone when it comes
to actual Boats, or Boating.They are from a breed of use-net smart-
asses that most likely have been doing there childish bull**** for
years, and it's all they have to get a laugh.
Sad existence they lead.
There are FAR better forums than this to find intelligent people to
converse with.
Yes, I DO " go there ", smart-ass.
I had hoped that things could have turned around in this ****-hole
awhile ago, then the insults to family started....again by one of
their spoofing ilk.
Some posters cannot read titles to news groups, and post their ****ing
recipes in here, clearly NOT Boating related.
It doesn't matter if it IS marked " off-topic ", it just shouldn't be
here. They only post recipes because they have nothing Boating related
to talk about in their bland existence.
And now I shall sit back, and watch the simpletons throw insults, and
spoof users IDs and laugh at them.
Based on the attitude of the spoofers, it's pretty clear they are your
guys, posting as someone else. Either way, if you filter the spoofers,
all you have left is sniping "leftys". Just go back and look at the
posts today. The "righties" Paul refers to, have not said boo today.
That is a clear fact.
Just look at the above thread started by "neutral" Tim where each and
every lefty in the group answered with a clear "no" when asked if they
were capable of civilized conversation. A clear "no" by Paul, several by
Harry, Secord, Don, JPS, and even Plume. You can say what you want, but
it's all right there for anyone who wishes to take a look.
That's right, I said NO, but for a reason.
The reason is this : The last time things " calmed down " in here, it
didn't take long for the spoofing dip****s to start posting insults,
and get things riled up again. So, it is YOUR bunch of ilk that like
to stir up **** in here.
Now...stick you index finger up your ass, pull it out and sniff
it....you'll see just HOW full of **** YOU are.