On Sun, 13 Feb 2011 20:32:17 -0500, Wayne.B
On Sun, 13 Feb 2011 15:50:16 -0800, wrote:
I think he can't stand it when someone makes fun of all the "Ban"
posts with a rather mild rebuke. I think he's just got a lot of pent
up anger.
No, I just think you don't belong here, whoever you really are. I
will remind you from time to time of that fact. Leave or learn to
deal with it.
Don't care what you think. You can "remind" me all you want. Is that
contributing to your ideal of a boating related discussion? Seems to
me you're a hypocrite. I hope you don't mind it if I remind you of
that from time to time. Leave or learn to deal with it Wayne.