GOP Continues to Kill the Middle Class
On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 19:48:54 -0500, BAR wrote:
In article ,
bpuharic wrote:
On Tue, 15 Feb 2011 07:41:29 -0500, wrote:
the middle class hasnt had a pay increase in 35 years.
that's the reason demand is low. no pay increases.
and that's because the middle class has no unions
Sure, Bob. Keep telling yourself that and don't forget to blame a
street in New York for your financial problems.
I just checked my 401k and it is up 4.3% this year already. Last year it
was up 15.8%. Sucks to be me.
do the math. how much do you have to GAIN to make up for a 35% LOSS
like the average 401K lost in 2009?
if you cant figure it out, i'll let you know
and your 20% increase?
i'll give you a hint: it's not enough