smallest w/a boat suitable for overnighting?
It really depends on what your minimum personal requirements are. If you're
a "close" family you can all snuggle up in a pretty tiny space. If you're
just occasionally overnighting then you can get away with less.
For us the minimum was 28 feet but we spend every weekend on the boat and
will spend more as our time allows.
We often go to bed at different times so a dedicated V-berth was essential
(as opposed to converting the dinette every evening).
When we have guests we don't want to be tripping over them so a separate mid
or aft cabin was essential.
A proper head was essential with shower capabilities.
A large cockpit area was essential since that's where we would spend most of
our time.
We had determined a budget that we could afford and didn't scare us so there
were constraints there too.
We settled on a 30 foot express cruiser.
"FPrieto" wrote in message
I have a 21 ft Angler boat W/A that I find to small to overnight in. I
mostly boat in Biscayne Bay florida. I am looking for the minimun size
any of you guys have overnighted successfully in.
I have a wife and to kids 6 and 10,,,
Any advice is appreciated
Frank Prieto