smallest w/a boat suitable for overnighting?
"FPrieto" wrote in message
I have a 21 ft Angler boat W/A that I find to small to overnight in. I
mostly boat in Biscayne Bay florida. I am looking for the minimun size boat
any of you guys have overnighted successfully in.
I have a wife and to kids 6 and 10,,,
Any advice is appreciated
Frank Prieto
I've got a 24 ft WA thats fine for two people once in awhile. Can't
handle more then two though, and I wouldn't want to live on it for a
few days, but it works well after a night of too many cocktails and
fish stories at the marina, or to get a jump start on an early AM
trip. The 22 ft boat in my line (Grady-White) is just about as big.
The 20 footer they used to call the "Overnighter" looked too small for