On Apr 7, 1:29*am, "f. barnes" wrote:
WASHINGTON – Census Bureau data show that the share of immigrant-
headed households (legal and illegal) with children (under age 18)
using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is
partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of
education and their resulting low incomes. The welfare programs
examined in this report are SSI (Supplemental Security Income for low
income elderly and disabled), TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy
Families), WIC (Women, Infants, and Children food program), free/
reduced school lunch, food stamps, Medicaid (health insurance for
those with low incomes), public housing, and rent subsidies.
Based on the latest data available, from 2009, 57 percent of
households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children
(under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent
for native households with children.
Households with children with the highest rates of welfare use are
those headed by immigrants from the Dominican Republic (82 percent),
and Mexico and Guatemala (75 percent). Those with the lowest use rates
are from the United Kingdom (7 percent), India (19 percent), Canada
(23 percent), and Korea (25 percent).
The states where immigrant households with children have the highest
welfare use rates are Arizona (62 percent); Texas, California, and New
York (61 percent); Pennsylvania (59 percent); Minnesota, and Oregon
(56 percent); and Colorado (55 percent).
[ Yep, that illegal alien labor is real for us isn't it?]
It is insane to keep importing legal third worlders while we are
with hordes of illegal aliens. In 2009 American welcomed 1.1 million
immigrants, most of them third-worlders with little or no jobs. (note
2009 was a year of recession)
The sooner the wheels come off that failing institution, the US
Government, the better.