Originally Posted by gccsteve
On Jun 15, 7:40 pm, Bruce in Alaska wrote:
In article om,
gccsteve wrote:
Desperately seeking paper for a King 1350 paper recorder. It is 6"
paper x 50 foot.
WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
If have multidecade year old stash of 6" Furuno Paper that you might
reroll on your old plastic rollers. Would that due??? Actually I have
some 10" stuff as well as some 4". Been on the schelf for a LONG time.
Bruce in alaska
add a 2 before @
E-mail me, I'm interested in the 6 inch and possibly four inch paper.
I have all you want (9 rolls). 406 890 2653
Thanks john24