Originally Posted by RedRoby
Hi to all!
I need iof your help.
I have a lot of 400Hz Muirhead Servomotor-Tachometer generator mod.
15M81A,fom Mil surplus.
For 400Hz supply isn't a problem but I Don't have idea how to apply or
this servomotors.
This motor is supplied with a 115Vac primary plus two 13Vac control
windings, one tachometer 115 Vac primary with a secondary output.
Do you have some suggestion, scheme, application notes for use this motors
in a light CNC project?
Will be welcome application notes, schematic, literatures or URL's for
this devices..
I please you to reply by email, many thanks in advance and sorry for
Ciao from Italy....
Ia ora na outou,
hello RedRoby
Do you have any tacho generator now?
I want some tacho generator with this specifications:
Muirhed part No: 11R15F1 (or similar.)
400hz, 115v , 2.75/1000 RPM
If you can help me please reply an email to this address: