On 29/04/2011 3:33 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 11:34:16 -0600,
On 28/04/2011 4:30 AM, John H wrote:
This explains it all:
Funny the left. They don't ask why the west did business with Gadhafi
for so long, now all of a sudden Obama wants to assassinate him.
Could it be that Libya operates a very low debt central bank US-Euro-IMF
does not control -- banking cartel. Can't let people have access to an
honest bank or country with such a low debt as Libya. Then th French
colonial interests and oil...
meaningless. and the right, not the left, controls the US.
Funny, fleabaggers control the US right now, most are democrat dimwits
but many are GOP -- can't run the USA on a fraud credit card much
longer. All the signs are there for a currency collapse.
I can assure you that the road to prosperity is not paved with
fleabagger debt.