In article ,
On Mon, 23 May 2011 12:28:48 -0400, Harryk
sent the following message
Canuck57 wrote:
On 22/05/2011 8:53 PM, *e#c wrote:
On May 22, 7:53 pm, wrote:
This takes the cake.
Americans getting foreclosed on their homes, 20% unemployed
(unadjusted), Saudi get $100 barrel, American taxpayers get the
bill and
Obama adds debt and more ....
Hey, even you lefties should be just livid.
Americans might want to ask where all this world record
overspend is
really going. Maybe congress is to scared to ask?
Take a look at ANY country, more debt is more problems. So why
do we
allow our governments more debt? Selfishness, greed, denial,
What a **** post.
Nothing more intelligent to say fleabagger?
A "**** post" is what it was, and the "****" was self-evident, as
it is
in most of your financial-geopolitical-political-societal posts. If
are trying to increase the number of those who think you an
ignorant, ill-informed teahadist, you are succeeding.
Well, now that he thinks the cops are going to save him from his big
mouth, he will get more and more vulgar until he drives the rest of the
thinking folks from the group... Thing is, only one thing cops hate more
than crims, is snitches... Either way, it's clear this incident didn't
do a thing to Harry's attitude here, I guess those still engaging him
just need someone to argue with...
Team Rowdy Mouse, Banned from the Mall for life!