Dem wins NY 26...
On 5/25/11 8:20 AM, I_am_Tosk wrote:
Of course pun intended. And if I don't get mad you will get more and
more obnoxious and more vulgar until I do... It's all you are here for
but other than that, you have proven your cowardice and dishonesty will
not let you be accountable for what you say, so it really means nothing
in the fat picture, pun intended...
Virtually everyone here, no matter how obnoxious and vulgar the insults
they pitch or receive, manages to control his temper and avoid making
veiled or direct threats to "visit" someone for the purpose of
instigating violence. Virtually...I can only think of three posters who
make a habit of such threats...that moron from Thailand who was living
in Canada, Loogy know who.
You might consider enrolling in anger management classes.