On 25/05/2011 5:52 AM, HenryK wrote:
On 5/24/2011 10:13 PM, Harryk wrote:
Hochul beat Republican Corwin in the NY 26 District congressional race,
a Democratic win in an overwhelmingly Republican/conservative district,
according to The Associated Press.
A tea party candidate scored in the single digits. The GOP said he would
have to score in the double digits to have a real impact on the
Republican's chances.
The Republicans spent an estimated $9 million to hold onto this seat.
Karl Rove was involved.
The biggest single issue apparently was the support of the Republican
candidate for the Republican plan to eliminate Medicare. Corwin
supported that plan until this weekend, when she flip-flopped.
Yawn! In an adjoining state, the dumbocrats lost a senate seat held by
one of their chimps for FORTY YEARS.
I looked up NYs spending the other day.
With that overspend and debt, just a mater of time before NY state
declares bankruptcy.
Big debt crash is coming. Just depends how long the ruse of solvency is
maintained. Me, I am counting on the debt stupidity. That is why I am
dumping USD....
Fleabaggers are like slinkies. Basically useless and but some people
love seeing them fall down stairs.