Harry's llittle circle jerk..
On 31/05/2011 6:49 PM, Harryk wrote:
On 5/31/11 8:43 PM, I_am_Tosk wrote:
In , payer33859
@mypacks.net says...
Well folks, before you join this guys group you should note that he
keeps personal information on all posters and over the years has used
that personal information to stalk, intimidate, and blackmale literally
dozens of posters here and in other groups... Just read his daily tripe
here, and decide if this is the guy you want moderating any group you
are in, or having your personal information. If he gets up set with you
he will be a real nuisance and call the cops on you for nothing, he will
threaten to call your family, employer, friends, customers, and anybody
else he can to keep you from participating in an open discussion if you
don't toe his very narrow political line.. You have been warned...
Wow...Snotty is *really* worried and increasingly paranoid.
Obviously, the new discussion group, in which he isn't mentioned, was a
good idea.
And just for the record, I've never called the family members,
employers, friends, customers, et cetera, of anyone who posts here.
So far, we don't have *any* political posts on the new site, and no one
has been insulted, no has anyone here been mentioned.
Sorry, Snotty.
Hey harry, perhaps post your drivers license here, or if you don't have
one your utility bill and birth certificate. If you want people to
supply that crap for your group, should you not provided it to them too?
And to show your earnest, you post it here first?
And I know your a fleabagger, but spam away idiot. Your now also a
spammer. Can't even live with the rules he expects others to. Typical
leftie fleabagger.
Government isn't the solution to the bad economy, it is the problem.