Another day of useless posts in
On 02/06/2011 1:44 PM, Harryk wrote:
On 6/2/11 3:31 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 02/06/2011 5:34 AM, HarryK wrote:
Paul has stated numerous times, that is useless for boating
discussions, and that is full of useless right wing dirt bags.
The only reason they come here is to insult moderates and spew profanity
laced posts, in their feeble attempt to insult me. They have no impact
on my life, but they are the reason we no longer have real boaters
posting in I will continue to insult these Bat**** POS in but we need to have a real boating Newsgroup.
For this reason, I have opened a new Google Groups dedicated to boating
and fishing discussions. I am doing my best to keep the low life ****
baggers, instigators, insulters and low IQ Kookie Khristian
Konservatives. If you are interested in in really discussing boating,
please submit your application to my Google Groups. Originally, I
planned on opening the group to anyone who would refrain from insulting
real boaters and would limit discussion to boating and fishing. Since
the low lifes continue to apply to my Group, I have decided to do my
best to make sure we do allow the POS in my Group, so please scan a copy
of your drivers license and submit it along with your application.
Since this my Google Groups will be a real boating forum, I will be post
photos of my new Sport-fisherman boat.
Funny, is that why other truly legitimate boating groups kicked you off?
Moron, responding to an ID spoofer. Of course, you're the mook who
thinks the Israelis created al qaeda.
There you go again, slandering people again as I made no such comment.
But that is the harryk way, slander, snip, dog, more dysfunctional
behavior from a fleabagger idiot.
Government isn't the solution to the bad economy, it is the problem.