Is Obama starting WW III?
On Thu, 9 Jun 2011 08:45:01 -0400, I_am_Tosk
In article ,
On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 22:14:34 -0400, I_am_Tosk
In article ,
ah. let's see what the GOP DID do when they had congresss cut for the rich
2003 tax cut for the rich
how'd that work out for the economy? we doing OK?
We were until Barney Frank, John Kerry, Barak Obama
sold us to Fannie and Freddie...
they didn't control 10 trillion worth of assets
wall street did.
courtesy of the right wing
When the left wing controlled congress.... Your bull**** is growing
first there is no american left wing
2nd, it never controlled congress
try again
Oh man... you are in a fog.
do i LOOK like rush?