On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 15:27:29 -0600, Canuck57
On 09/06/2011 8:51 PM, wf3h wrote:
turns out the right wing cost americans 16 trillion
with their fundamentalist deregulation of banks, they cost normal,
working people a huge amount and transferred this to the rich in order
to perpetuate the 'american dream'.
what bull****
Yep, household income peeked just before the democrat congress of 2006.
yep that's what the bubble created by the deregulation of the banks
Go figure, all the democrater money for nothing debt, dispair, dished
out liberally. So how is Obama/Democrat "In Debt We Trust!" work'in for ya?
so you're blaming obama for being president in 2006?? looks like right
wing bull****
You should overlay government debt spending on unemployment, and home
incomes Becomes really apparent Democrat economic policy was what
screwed America real good. Even Ronald Reagan knew the right answer,
government isn't the solution. government is the problem. Averted his
recession into becoming a depression.
prove it. h ow? specifics?
oh. none
the depression started in 2007. he pretends that, somehow, the dems
did something..which he never says...that caused the depression after
having been in power for 6 months.
the more logical conclusion, one obvious to non racists who dont hate
the black pres, is that deregulation of the banks, the bush tax cuts
of 2001 and 2003, and bush's trillion dollar war in iraq, caused the
but those FACTS wont be admitted to by a guy who hates the BLACK
I know you fleabaggers don't understand this, but government is too big
and overspending for the economy to support.
cliches and bull****
You can suck too much
blood out of the host and kill it. Which is just what happened. Too
much poison for statism and sucking the system dry, like a leach/parasite.
cliches and bull****
Solution is simple, at governemtn expense let PRODUCERS keep more of
their money.
who are the producers? the middle class
who are the rich starving?
the middle class
but he blames the black guy