Insult-free boating discussions
Harryk wrote:
On 6/14/11 9:55 AM, I_am_Tosk wrote:
In , payer33859 says...
On 6/14/11 8:25 AM, I_am_Tosk wrote:
In articlePIOdncNpC4lOqmrQnZ2dnUVZ_gGdnZ2d@earthlink .com, payer33859 says...
Well, be careful folks, remember, Harry is only trying to collect
personal info to use later in his sick games..
Here is a typical answer to a post by your leader Harry Krause
"You really have to wonder about the IQ of anyone who takes
crazy claims seriously. He just makes up some really crazy **** and
repeats it a zillion times in order to find believers."
1. No personal information is required or sought.
2. I have turned down a couple of requests for access that came from
"ringers." I have also turned down or terminated access for a couple of
assholes who attempted to use the known log-in info of other posters.
3. Any rational, reasonably intelligent person, after reading your
postings of insanity, would come to the same are not
someone to be taken seriously.
4. We're not looking for trash posters like you who have nothing to
Yup, a post full of insults and attacks... This is what folks can expect
in your new information mine too. You are a real piece of work...
Speaking of which, why is it you stopped accusing me of terrible things
while racing with my child ever since you called the cops on me? Did
they finally tell you to knock it off???
I posted in direct response to your bull**** charges that I was data
mining. There is no data mining taking place. You have no evidence
that data mining is taking place. It's just more of your ****ed-off
bull****. I also stated I kept an eye on "newbies" and kicked off a
couple who I suspected were troublemakers. I am not interested in
having posters around whose primary interest is in being snarly or
insulting. There's no place for the likes of you.
Other than the several phone calls I received from your local police
in response to my reporting of your threats, I have had no contact
with the authorities. If, however, you again start making direct or
indirect threats of physical violence, I will not hesitate to report
such incidents.
Several calls? More bull****.