On 16/06/2011 6:47 AM, iBoat wrote:
In ,
In ,
In articleP9Cdna6VKf3ln2TQnZ2dnUVZ_jGdnZ2d@earthlink .com, payer33859
@mypacks.net says...
On 6/15/11 2:49 PM, North Star wrote:
On Jun 15, 2:11 pm, wrote:
The American Prospect has a nice summary of the modern GOP's agenda:
House Republicans are pushing forward with their ?shared sacrifice?
agenda. Today, they're asking newborns and low-income women to pitch in:
The House is expected to vote on a proposal to cut the Women, Infants
and Children program, which helps about 9 million mothers and their
young children, by 13 percent. The Center for Budget and Policy
Priorities estimates that up to 350,000 food-assistance recipients would
be cut off if the measure passes. At the same time, the House is also
debating a bill to increase the Pentagon?s budget by $17 billion -- even
though Defense already makes up more than 50 percent of discretionary
federal spending. Hey, maybe they?ll make their sacrifice next year.
ripped from KOS
Want to discuss recreational boating and fishing in a forum where
personal insults are not allowed?
Shows the GOPs priorties... shootin'& killin' over life.
It should come as no surprise that the GOP doesn't give a damn about
impoverished families.
Take that **** over to your new group.
Really, and it's from "The Daily Hoax" too...snerk
I don't care about where it came from, and I'm not here to spout
political bull****. I just want Harry and Don to go to their new
fantastic group and quit posting their bull**** here.
Tehy are fleabaggers, and part of being a fleabagger is a lack of
consideration of others. That is why they will not play in their own pond.
Government isn't the solution to the bad economy, it is the problem.