When Anti-Abortionists Choose...Abortion
On Fri, 17 Jun 2011 06:45:20 -0400, Harryk
Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator and likely presidential
candidate, wants all abortions outlawed. He has even said that abortion
providers should be “criminally charged.”
he's also said the govt can outlaw masturbation and he's in favor of a
'collective' morality that is 'pro life' and 'pro god'.
his word...collective morality...
Mr. Santorum doesn’t hate all people, however. As a Republican, he loves
rich people, white people, business people, and Christians. The real
Americans, he calls them. There’s one other person he loves, too: his
wife, Karen Santorum.
yep. he was our senator for years. the center part of PA is hard core
fundamentalist right wing.
He loves her so much, in fact, that in 1997 when she became seriously
ill during the 2nd trimester of her pregnancy, he didn’t want her to die.
In the 19th week of her pregnancy, Karen discovered during a routine
exam that the fetus she was carrying had a fatal defect and was going to
die inside of her. A long-shot surgery was performed that required
cutting directly into the womb. It carried a high risk of infection and
was performed not to save the fetus, but to reduce Karen’s complications
while she attempted to go full term.
Two days later, she became severely feverish. She was rushed to the
hospital and placed on intravenous antibiotics, which reduced her fever
and bought her some time, but could not eliminate the source of
infection: the fetus.
Karen was going to die if her pregnancy was not ended, if the fetus was
not removed from her body. So, at 20 weeks, one month before what
doctors consider ‘viability’, labor was artificially induced and the
infected fetus was delivered. It died shortly thereafter.
remember that recent case where the bishop of phoenix excommunicated a
nun who was part of an ethics panel at a catholic hospital that
approved an abortion under similar circumstances?
the USCCB is america's most powerful hate group. they hate women AND
hypocrites. few people are more pro death than pro lifers