pawlenty's plan to rape the middle class
On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 23:39:10 GMT, "Colonel Kurtz"
On 19-Jun-2011, wf3h wrote:
Because you're stupid as a result of government "education."
he starts off with a meaningless bull**** statement
You just PROVED my point
says the illiterate moron
because we gutted the unions. and when we did that, american mgmt
found it could make gobs of money AND send jobs overseas
That's a nonsensical statement,
you see, unlike you, i, being a liberal, accept reality\
You have no reality if you stare at the idiot box and get caught up on the
retard TV shows bellowing "liberal" and "conservative."
not familiar with US politics are you?
That violent rant is
to get you to watch so they can sell commercials. Wake up and understand how
an industry works, or even a lemonaide stand. Industries had to close or
flee, the unions disapeared when the companies left. Other than extortion,
what was theie purpose anyway? Job security for the incompetent? Yeah,
gotta give you that.......
nope. the right wing made it impossible to unionize in this country
do you know what the penalty is for firing someone for unionizing
activities in this country?
bet you dont.
countries with strong unions have strong manufacturing. you right
wingers have your little mythologies which say the more you enslave
the middle class, the better for the rich.
Middle class isn't Walmart and burger joints, your future is more like Peru
and The Phillipines - they don't produce anything either.
yep. and we'll still have right wingers saying we need more tax cuts
for the rich.
unlike, i accept capitalism. protectionism is a failure BUT the right
wing negotiated free trade WITHOUT labor protection
Read previous answer - there is no "free" trade - what remains of the US is
a dumping groud for 1st world countries, and you make it worse every day -
that's why you beg for handouts.
courtesy of george bush. you right wingers dont even know history.
One idiot politician didn't force or even encourage you to send your money
overseas then bitch about jobs - you did that on your own - stop the
childish "logic."
HAHAHAHA guess you are unaware of the history of right wing politics
in this country.
By the way, like most defective people, you bash evil corporations (that
used to overpay you) - you are capable of understanding Honda, Toyota,
Walmart, Home Dept and McDonald's (your carrer choices) are evil
corporations also, right?
HAHAHA the middle class in the US hasnt had a raise in 30 years!
you really DO live in a bubble dont you??