pawlenty's plan to rape the middle class
On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 19:02:42 -0600, Canuck57
On 19/06/2011 5:07 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 21:39:54 GMT, "Colonel Kurtz"
ed supply side
economic bull**** and the tea party bought it. look at palwenty
propoing that the middle class pay ALL the taxes and the rich pay NONE
and the right goes for it
Funny, you ignore reality. Your freaking country be it civic, state or
fed is basically broke from too much liberal spending and debt-spending.
If US does not change direction, your economy is a dead man walking
with 3 steps left.
now let's see
canada has socialized medicine
strong unions
strong banking regulations you guys doing compared to the US??
pretty good it seems
go ahead. bitch about how we need more right wing solutions while ou
live in a country that has all the faults you bitch about
The liberal dream, debt-spend out of debt will never come true.
But the debt spend might ruin your kids, and their kids futurers for you
government statism today. Government needs to shrink to fit the
economy. Can't just keep charging it.
the RIGHT gave us the deficits by
tax cuts on the rich
but obama's he HAS to be the problem, right?