pawlenty's plan to rape the middle class
On 19-Jun-2011, wf3h wrote:
The liberal dream, debt-spend out of debt will never come true.
But the debt spend might ruin your kids, and their kids futurers for you
government statism today. Government needs to shrink to fit the
economy. Can't just keep charging it.
the RIGHT gave us the deficits by
tax cuts on the rich
but obama's he HAS to be the problem, right?
Obama isn't the problem; he's the symptom - voters (gubment edjumucated) are
the problem. No politicians put themselves in office - you did.
Personally, I think it's fitting that Obama is the last president while the
US is sovereign. The final demise is soooooooo apparent. You better quit
squealing for handouts now and practice getting used to eating roots.
Hahahahahaha - it's pretty funny from the other side of the pond, but the
squealing stupidity is like listen to Palin screech.