pumpout log/tank treatment ???
Not sure where you keep the boat but if it is on a lake etc I could
understand the desire for the pump out log. I don't know of a Coast Guard
requirement but it could be the local laws.
I would think that date, time, location and a signature from the owners of
the pump out station would be required for the log.
Holding tank treatment helps break down the waste and control the smell. I
find that it covers it up with a very specific minty smell that remindes me
of waste. I can't stand that minty smell and am very carefull not to add to
much. I would not add any just to pump out the tank but add the correct
amount when empty based on a full tank. You can add it to the head and pump
it through on the first use or add it down the pump out connection when
empty. I use the pump out connection mostly due to the minty smell in the
wrote in message
Today there was a knock at the door, which resulted in
a warning for not having a pumpout log. I haven't had
the boat long, and so far haven't needed to pump it
out. But I guess I'll go do it so I can start the log. What
all needs to be on it? Date, time, and location of the
pumpout station...is that about all?
I have a bottle of West Marine Heavy Duty Head &
Holding Tank Treatment. It says add 2 ounces of
treatment and 1 pint of water for every 10 gallons
of tank capacity. I guess that should be gotten into
the tank by flushing it down the toilet, instead of
putting it in the top of the tank? The tank is only about
half full...should I fill it up more with water after adding
the treatment? How long should I let the treatment work
before pumping out?