Originally Posted by AussiePete
I have a '97 SeaRay 270 DA (Sundancer) and have exactly the same problem as above (or below). I think that what has been suggested is accurate without any doubt. I have a couple of questions and hope thats SOMEONE!!! knows the answers as it's causing me lots and lots of grief.
Ok. 1. Assuming that the sump pump/bilge wiring needs replacing and that the sump pump itself has corroded wiring, how can access be made easily into the very tight cavity in which it is located. I would like ideally to remove the stair well from under which it resides but cannot work out how to do it??? Does anyone have any experience or ideas? I have contacted my local SeaRay dealer and they do not even have a manual for the deconstruction of the boats!!!!
2. Does anyone know for sure if the the other input into the sump (knowing that one of them is def. teh shower drain) is the air cond unit? I was guessing that it maybe the water tank overflow run off, but this is just a guess. I would love to know for sure. IF it is the ac, then how does it get water into it if I dont ever use the air con????
ok lastly,3. I also need a new boarding ladder and am finding it extremely difficult to locate an after market one. Not keen on paying A$900 for a new OEM ladder.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Pete, i just purchased a 2000 260 Sundancer and am having what appears to be similar issues. I have water (not lots, less than an inch or so but sometimes enough to get the carpet wet) in the front bilge compartments under the front most cushion in the v-berth and also in the area where the shower sump is. I have poured water down the shower drain and know it drains into the sump, the pump kicks on and pumps water out a thru hull fitting on the starboard side. Based on the manuals i have it believe you are correct that the second hose going in is from the a/c unit. The previous owner of my boat always had it under cover and ran the a/c frequently so i do not think the a/c is the issue. My water appeared after heavy rains this past weekend. I also noted water trapped in the porthole windows on either side. I am going to do some testing with a garden hose this weekend as my hypothesis is that water sits on the lip between the hull and the plexiglass and leaks slowly through the seal, down the inside of the hull, and gathers on the bilge floor. I'll let you know how it turns out and would appreciate anyone elses thoughts on this.