Great responseGreat response!
On Jun 25, 5:06*pm, Harryk wrote:
On 6/25/11 5:05 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 25/06/2011 2:08 PM, Jay wrote:
From unknown author..........
Great response!
The best line I ever heard was from a shop foreman at the old
Republic Steel when this young black kid was being reprimanded for the
last time. The black youth said to the shop foreman: "You're firing me
because I'm black!" The boss said, "No, we hired you because you were
black. We're firing you because you are useless!" Sounds like a good
line for the 2012 Election....??
Ironically true.
Interesting what floats the boat of you racist turds.
Nothing Boat related, obviously.....