On 6/28/11 2:08 PM, I_am_Tosk wrote:
In ,
On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 08:32:31 -0400,
Bachmann concedes she misspoke on Wayne's hometown
(AP) ? 1 hour ago
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is
acknowledging "misspeaking" occasionally, including wrongly claiming
that actor John Wayne was from her Waterloo, Iowa hometown, but says
she's "a substantive, serious person" who would be a good president.
Announcing her candidacy on Monday, Bachman flubbed her hometown history
in declaring "John Wayne was from Waterloo" and "that's the kind of
spirit that I have, too."
The actor was born nearly 150 miles away. It was the serial killer John
Wayne Gacy Jr. who lived, for a time, in Waterloo.
Bachmann said her comments "were just misspeaking."
(Bull****...it was just another example of her mindlessness)
"I wish I could be perfect," Bachmann told CNN on Tuesday. "I'm a
substantive, serious person" who has "good sense on how to turn the
economy around" as president.
(By eliminating the minimum wage?)
She unprepared in every sense and unprofessional, just like Palin.
The GOP loves these women.
Yeah, it's not like she thought she landed in a hot zone under fire when
it didn't happen or anything, right??snerk It's just more bigotry
from the left...
Bigotry? Oh...you mean disdain for the terminally unprepared and stupid?
June 28, 2011
In Major Gaffe, Bachmann Confuses Ass, Hole in Ground
Misspeaks about Grand Canyon
ARIZONA (The Borowitz Report) – In a fledgling campaign that has already
produced more than its share of gaffes, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn)
today confused her ass with a hole in the ground during a campaign swing
through Arizona.
Speaking to a group of supporters in Phoenix, Rep. Bachmann raised
eyebrows when she said, “It’s great to be here in Arizona, the home of
my ass.”
After her comment was greeted with confused murmurs from the crowd, Rep.
Bachmann quickly added, “Oh wait, did I say my ass? I meant the Grand
Being unable to tell her ass from a hole in the ground, especially a
prominent one such as the Grand Canyon, is only one of many challenges
facing Rep. Bachmann in her quest for the Presidency, according to
political science professor Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota.
“Michele Bachmann is a staunch believer in the theory of Intelligent
Design,” he said. “However, Intelligent Design cannot explain Michele
But Dr. Logsdon added that Rep. Bachmann remains an attractive
candidate, especially for those Republican voters who find former Alaska
Governor Sarah Palin “too cerebral.”
“When Sarah Palin looks at Michele Bachmann, she must feel the way the
Jonas Brothers feel about Justin Bieber,” he said.
In other political news, GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said
today that "marriage must be defined as the union between a man, a
woman, and the man's staff member at the time."
Want to discuss recreational boating and fishing in a forum where
personal insults are not allowed?