Self-righteous asshole
No, I'm not talking about Herring or Canook but their Christian
WASHINGTON -- Religious leaders in Missouri are calling on Rep. Todd
Akin (R-Mo.) to apologize for claiming a "hatred of God" informs
liberal beliefs and to reconsider his moral priorities.
"Such insulting pronouncements degrade our nation’s political dialogue
and are unworthy of a public servant who claims to represent the
interests of all of his constituents," wrote religious leaders in a
statement. "We call on you to apologize, and we pray that you are
moved to act in a spirit of civility, compassion and justice in the
They also took issue with his support for a House GOP budget proposal
authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), which calls for dramatic cuts to
state Medicaid programs and contains other provisions that they said
would hurt the poorest Americans.
“Loving or hating God has nothing to do with political affiliation.
But, Jesus did tell his followers that best way to tell if someone
loves or hates God is to find out how they treat the poor," said Tim
King, a spokesman for Christian progressive organization Sojourners.
"As a member of the House budget committee that is something Rep. Akin
should remember.”
Read the full text of their statement below:
As Missourians of faith, we found your statement that "at the heart of
liberalism really is a hatred of God and a belief that government
should replace God" to be ignorant and offensive. Scripture clearly
warns us to “judge not, lest ye be judged,” yet you condemn in
disrespectful, stereotypical terms those with whom you disagree. Such
insulting pronouncements degrade our nation’s political dialogue and
are unworthy of a public servant who claims to represent the interests
of all of his constituents.
And in light of your support for a federal budget that mainstream
faith leaders have overwhelmingly condemned as punitive toward the
poorest among us, we call on you to reconsider not only your words,
but also your moral priorities as a political leader. Accusing others
of being inspired by hatred of God while you vote to deprive the
weakest and most vulnerable of medicine and basic sustenance is the
antithesis of moral leadership. We call on you to apologize, and we
pray that you are moved to act in a spirit of civility, compassion and
justice in the future.