On 29/06/2011 4:00 AM, wf3h wrote:
On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 22:42:20 -0400, I_am_Tosk
In ,
On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 17:43:32 -0600,
Yep, Obama has racked up more debt than any other leader in the history
of mankind.
wrong, of course. bush's last budget was 1.2 TRILLION in debt
but bush is white....
Is that the dishonest way you are going to spin that? You know well that
the only reason Obama's budget isn't bigger is because he and Reid, and
the Democratic party refuse to put out a budget... breaking the law and
just printing money as time goes on.. Obama is a traitor, period.
now let's see...you say obama's running up big deficits
but it turns out his WHITE predecessor did the same
but it's all obama's fault...and, he happens to be black
so a black guy and a white guy do the same thing...but only the black
guy is at fault
nnnooooooooooo....no racism here...
Huge as in WORLD RECORD DEFICIT spending. World wide historic debt
record belongs to Obama. As the reality sinks in, history is not going
to be kind to Obama the crooked.
Obama is a traitor because he should no better. Racking up this kind of
debt so fast almost assures America an much weaker economic future. An
economic drain of the USA.
What a better way to ambush the US than to load USA up with debt,
pandering to the greedy fleabaggers, trashing the economy because this
hyper-taxation threat is bad for business and jobs.
Obama should be impeached.
Government isn't the solution to the bad economy, it is the problem.