On 6/29/11 1:18 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 29/06/2011 11:12 AM, Harryk wrote:
On 6/29/11 1:05 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 29/06/2011 4:40 AM, Harryk wrote:
Bachmann, like her BFF, Sarah Palin, is intellectually unfit for high
political office. But...she's sure to get the cretin vote. You'd vote
for her.
Tell me, but you worship Polusi?
LMAO. 10 Polusi does not have the IQ of one Bachmann. And if IQ maters,
how about talking about Hank Johnson? He certainly is the dumbest, more
stupid jack ass representative I have ever seen in my day.
A. I don't "worship" Nancy Pelosi.
B. If Pelosi were unconscious, she'd have a higher IQ than Bachmann.
I'm waiting for the media to really start vetting Bachmann. I suspect
there are all many of financial shenanigans awaiting disclosure, and I
still want to know if her hubby, with his diploma mill degrees, is a
licensed therapist in Minnesota.
Just say it harry, you would not vote Bachmann because she is not a man,
she if not a fleabagger, and she is not black.
I would not vote for Bachmann for a number of reasons, including, but
not limited to, these:
She is not very bright or well-informed on history or civics or current
events or the Constitution, and she has a really simple-minded view of
the world
She is a conservative christian who lets her rigid religious beliefs
strongly influence her politics
She is a demagogue
She is a Republican
Her gender and skin color are not relevant to me. I have voted for
female candidates my entire life, and I have also voted for whites,
blacks, latinos, asians, and I don't even remember who else, in terms of
race or ethnicity. I'd have no hesitation voting for a gay person if I
thought that person was the most qualified running for a particular office.
If Hillary Clinton had been the presidential candidate in 2008, I would
have voted for her. She is female and white. In 2006, I was pleased to
vote for Barbara Ann Mikulski for U.S. Senate. She is female and white.
So, as you can see, you once again are completely incorrect. At least
you are consistent, eh?
Want to discuss recreational boating and fishing in a forum where
personal insults are not allowed?