Against medicaid except when she isn't.
On 29/06/2011 11:49 AM, Harryk wrote:
On 6/29/11 1:45 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 29/06/2011 5:38 AM, Harryk wrote:
[ snip ]
Hey woman hating limp dick, how come Anderson and other fleabag limp
dick media always goes for the republican women with a vengeance?
Have erectile dysfunction and Viagra does not work? No one wants your
defective genes in them? What is the deal? 8 people or so in the ring,
you always go for the women....
Be it Palin, Bachmann or whatever. Sure sign a lot of limp dicks and
sexually frustrated fleabaggers out there.
Yet you love Hilary of Clinton leaks on Monica, and really lap up
Peloshi. What gives? A lot of misogynists on the left or what?
You really should look up those big words before you use them
Indeed, I am an admirer of Hillary Clinton. Absolutely. I naturally
support Mrs. Pelosi because she is a leader of my party, and I think
she's pretty smart, too.
Tell you what, you dream of Pelosi and Hilary, I will dream of Palin and
Bachmann. Like it has been said before, democrat women are dogs in and
out, but conservative women are better looking.
Hey, both Clinton's had their leaks while in office. Hopefully society
is done with the Clintons.
Government isn't the solution to the bad economy, it is the problem.