To Obama America, life is dirt cheap
On 29/06/2011 3:28 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 10:19:41 -0600,
On 29/06/2011 6:30 AM, Harryk wrote:
[ crap snip ]
Over 6000 troupes killed, many more wounded and Obama keeps the fights
going. Even picks news ones like Libya and part of the UN subversion of
other countries.
number of troops killed in libya
They are not admiting the missing CIA ops stirring up the ****.
number killed by bush's war: 4400
but obama is black...
So are you blaming Obama because he is black. Guess your a racist. I
just thought it was because Obama is a liar and snake oil big mouth
making promises he never intends to keep.
Government isn't the solution to the bad economy, it is the problem.