On 04/07/2011 8:53 PM, LilAbner wrote:
I'm thankful that we/I live in a Country with Rights and Freedoms, that
other Countries have taken away from the Citizens.
I'm thankful for all those who served, in all the Wars to keep this
Republic intact.
All those that serve in the Military and Civilian Uniform to preserve
this Republic now..... Thanks.
To all those who crafted our Constitution....Thanks.
To Almighty God, who is the foundation, of this Republic...Thank You.
I agree. But there are those that want to destroy it intentionally or
not. And while it is struck as law, it can be disobeyed in spirit and
in point. It is constantly being attacked.
The people who crafted the US Constitution were an amazing breed of
honorable people. I can't say such politicians (any party) exist today
that are as wise, have as much integrity or honor as these gentlemen did.
Cant think though if they knew about tax-debt-slavery, they would not
have an amendment of pay as you go. Thus, a government greedy peoples
could not enslave their offspring with their debts.
Now the real war is on Obama-debt, to save America's future.
And do it for your kids sake....and ignore the selfish fleabags...