Toilet on a budget
Stephen Trapani wrote:
I need to replace a Groco (sp?) toilet, or I want to, it's old, it
doesn't work.
What do you mean by "doesn't work?" If it's just the pump, that can be
rebuilt for relatively little money.
I'm tempted to go the cheapo route because I'm way over budget already
I tri-ie-ie-ied to wa-a-a-arn you!
My wife and I are at this point just shrugging and saying how it's lucky
we can go without eating so we afford the boat.
with all the other crap, um, good stuff I have to buy for the boat ('79
Hunter 33' week/weekender), but because of what I've read here, mostly
from Peggie Hall, I'm reaching up for the Raritan Cricket (because I
don't think the PH II will fit). Is this the right move?
If the potty itself is broken or just so old & gross you can't possibly
use it, then go ahead (pardon the pun). But if money is an issue (and
when is it not?) I'd consider just trying to fix it.
Second question: What's the best way to handle the different floor
mounting bolts, or will they be different?
How good are your fiberglassing skill? It would be best to fiberglass in
the old holes and drill new ones. If you needed a different floor
contour or dimension you could cut out the old section and build a whole
new one. Problem- everything on a boat is connected to everything else,
and at some point you have to say "stop here." A good friend of mine
ended up with his boat in the side yard as a 5 year project because of a
disinclination to do this... but when he's done, it'll be like a brand
new custom boat.
Hope this helps.
Fresh Breezes- Doug King