Good news story to counter Dopers
Harryk wrote:
On 7/15/11 10:28 AM, Harryk wrote:
Hey, if you keep pointing out my lies, I'll go to my own google group
and stay there. I'm not going to put up with insults and name calling
from stupid right wing moron's like you.
You and your buddies have been "ID spoofing" me for years, and you've
failed to get the results you so badly seek.
A. I'm still here and I shall be until *I* decide to leave or,
hopefully, non-moderated usenet groups collapse because of the influx
of non-contributing morons like you. Your juvenile antics here have no
impact on me.
B. The few people here with whom I enjoy chatting can easily see that
your posts aren't mine. Neither you nor your fellow "Harry ID
spoofers" can write your way out of a wet paper bag. Your intellect
and writing skills are no better than those of an intellectually
challenged third grader. You're a dummy, just like your buddies here.
C. As I have stated any number of times, my other reason for being
here is to observe the behavior of low-life morons like you, Tosk,
Canuck, and a couple of others. It's the "safe" way to observe deviant
D. Your antics and those of your equally juvenile buddies drive away
posters and convince many possible new posters that "this" is simply
not a place worth their trouble.
E. The fact that you don't have the balls to post with your own handle
speaks volumes about you.
F: About the barn lie - no comment.