Obama has no plan...
On Jul 26, 5:44*pm, Canuck57 wrote:
On 26/07/2011 3:43 PM, *e#c wrote:
On Jul 26, 5:37 pm, *wrote:
Obama has no plan says Carney....but I think Obama has a plan....
.....trash the USA....veto anything that comes his way....unless it is a
blank check for more DEBT.
Seems like Obama wants to ruin America.
Obama, enslaving Americans with debt-tax slavery for a spending binge.
Doesn't even borrow real money, Bernanke just creates it like a
counterfeiter. .
I do hope you soon come to the realization that no one here gives a
rats ass about your opinion, or character for that matter.
Hey, if you don't want it, skip over it.
Already got more than a dead rats ass out you.
Fact is, Obama is destroying USA....
Obama, enslaving Americans with debt-tax slavery for a spending binge.
Doesn't even borrow real money, Bernanke just creates it like a
counterfeiter. .
Already got more than a dead rats ass out you.
I see you're drunk again, whining about America...the country that
deported your sorry old ass...LMAO !!!!