On 02/08/2011 2:35 PM, X - Man wrote:
On 8/2/11 4:33 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 02/08/2011 2:20 PM, wrote:
Fact is
*Fact* is that *you* are an uneducated, ignorant racist who has no
serious knowledge of economics.
Fact is you debt welshing fleabags just bankrupted the USA.
Good part is being largely in cash, and my pensions in my name, we can
wait for the insanity to die down and for the people to ake up that
liberal fleabag'in doesn't work.
If I was Bernanke and Obama, you would be having to think about your
future. Like Mubarak. Teh big Bernanke-Obama-Democrat fraud debt bluff
is being called to the carpet. You can't print your way out of a debt
problem but you can make it worse.
So how is that DEBT working for ya?
Seems like paying your bills with real money is no longer the accepted
behavior in USA. Perhaps that is the problem and not the the solution.