On 05/08/2011 5:33 PM, X - Man wrote:
Funny, this is like asking Manson if he is sane.
Fact is USA in no way deserves AAA.
You don't even pay your bills with real money!!! Bernanke will QE3
electronically counterfeit the entire debt spend. Because no one in the
world will buy the US treasury debts in this quantity at these rates.
US Fed is now USA DC #1 creditor as people don't buy worthless locked in
t-bills and crap paper.
And he US Fed has a big delinquent debtor.
So if the criminals in DC want triple A, prove you can pay those bills
with REAL money and not just print money in the fraud ruse of a loan.
Your broke.
Seems like paying your bills with real money is no longer the accepted
behavior in USA. Perhaps that is the problem and not the the solution.