Right of Way
On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 20:38:15 -0400, Wayne B
On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 15:04:59 -0400, John H
What ever happened to that dream boat you and several of your friends
were going to chip in on?
I was discussing this with a friend a few days ago. The plume started off with a tale about a sail
boat investment with some friends. Sounded great.
I would be concerned about a person with D'Plume's vast certitude
owning and operating a sailboat. Sailboats were invented to teach
the unwary just how much they *don't* know.
I would be concerned about a pompous ass like you Wayne being in
charge of a middle class motorboat that's 40 feet long. You certainly
haven't learned much in your time on the planet. I feel sorry for you.