UK red diesel costs.
In my part of Canada the price of premium is about $4 Cdn per gallon. I
wouldn't think UK gasoline taxes would add another $4. I suspect UK
production costs are somewhat higher for various reasons, cost of
electricity for one. A refinery uses a tremendous amount of electricity.
Then there is supply and demand. Always a good reason to jack up the price.
"Rick & Linda Bernard" wrote in message
The price per barrel of crude in the UK is the same as it is in the USA.
Perhaps a little cheaper since less transportation costs. Since the raw
material price is the same and the refining costs should be the same the
only difference is the taxes and the potential profiting. Many countries
raise a considerable amount of taxes via gasoline and diesel. It seems
the UK is one of them. Does that mean that they have lower taxes
elseware -
I don't think so.
I have heard that the governments claim that it encourages conservation.
think if I lived in the UK I would ride a bike.
"Meindert Sprang" wrote in message
"Gordon Wedman" wrote in message
I think I heard today that gas has gone over $2L in the UK. That's
something like $8 gallon................