DSK wrote:
... at sea it wouldn't be unsafe because there's nothing to run into;
conversely, you need to be able to see in all directions equally because
there are things that can run over *you*.
Doug, unfortunately my experience contradicts your statement to some
extent. I have more than once come on deck offshore (let's say more than a
few hundred miles from any coast) to find myself all too close to
whales, containers, and on more than one occasion large commercial vessels.
I think the original writer's concerns are well founded.
Someone mentioned Chuck Paine boats, and it's true that quite a few of the
Morris yachts feature a forward facing port. Of course these boats are
largely custom-finished, and just about any arrangement is possible. Still
most any well built port with good gaskets and good dogs will serve.
Meanwhile, I'm in Rosalie's camp when it comes to closing up underway. It
almost always happens that things get wet otherwise.
Good luck and good sailing.
s/v Kerry Deare of Barnegat