"Clams Canino" wrote in message
If you make 6000 - you might be a little underpropped - unless your hole
shot is important to you.
Probably. Its also a 5 blade prop. It literally comes out of the water
instantly if I trim down. Even trimmed up with the jack plate all the way
up it comes out of the hole just fine.
My inline pulls good to 6000 - but I cruise it at 4200 - and run any
"sustained" WOT at 5500 max.
I did do about 3 minutes at 6000 recently.... a bunch of kids in some new
hotboat tried to run me. They finally pulled ahead - but *very* slowly. I
wouln't have done it except that I could see that with 5 "kewl dewds" in
boat - they had too much weight. Next time they see an old inline -
remember me.
I did a little of that a few weeks ago running solo up river. Some guy with
a hug cat/tunnel went by me and sprayed me with his twin rooster tails. I
opened it up and he started porpoising really bad when he hit the throttle.
I shot by him like he was sitting still.
Bob La Londe
Yuma, Az