You are all douche bags!
On 9/18/11 7:56 PM, JustWaitAFrekinMinute! wrote:
On Sep 18, 6:51 pm, X ` wrote:
On 9/18/11 6:44 PM, JustWait wrote:
On 9/18/2011 5:24 PM, BAR wrote:
In article0deade75-df60-4118-9d09-0c6e21c60a46, says...
On Sep 18, 7:33 am, "JustWaitAFrekinMinute!"
On Sep 18, 1:20 am, wrote:
On 17/09/2011 8:06 PM, *e#c wrote:
Whoever emailed my wife, Gisele, can roll over and die! What I
post here
is none of her business and she already knows the condition of my
**** you all!
A fleabagger sellout?
First rule of holes: If you're in one, don't keep digging.
So in the hole, why do we insanely want more debt?
Well, Donnie and Harry Krause / Dr. Karen Grear Huntington Maryland
are the only ones here who have called cops, wives, etc.. So he should
look at his own friends...
Besides being stupid... you are also a liar.
I have never called any police dept (although I probably should have)
and I've never called anyone's home let alone their wives.
Can you& your doper ilk say the same?
Your empty threats are duly noted. We are still waiting for the ISP
licensing authority be contacted regarding someone in Conn.
Plus, he is a liar. He called the cops on me, and called the FBI on
someone else here... he and his friends have called wives here too...
You're lying. No one called the cops on you, and no has called your
wife. I did email the cops in your town, though. In fact, we exchanged
a number of emails about you.
I'm sure that everyone has noticed that since your local cops were
informed about your threats of violence, you now only make indirect
threats of violence. Be assured those threats are saved, too.
At some point, your paranoia, short fuse, and stupidity are going to
write a check your lack of physicality cannot cover. That'll be a fun
day for your many fans.
I'd much rather be a champion of the powerless than a lickspittle of the
emailed, called.. either way you are a rat..
Let's see if I have this straight:
*You* threaten me with physical violence to be committed by some
relative or buddy of yours in a motorcycle gang.
*I* contact your local police via email. I exchange a number of emails
with your local police.
Your local police send a patrol car to your place to check you out.
*I* get several more emails from your local police about you.
*You* stop making threats.
*You* are the reason the police were contacted. I simply did what any
rational citizen might do upon receipt of a threat from a short-tempered
paranoid like you. I acted rationally. Rationality seems beyod your
I'd much rather be a champion of the powerless than a lickspittle of the