Favorite Islands
On Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:47:51 -0700, "RG" wrote:
"Wayne B" wrote in message
.. .
Just about everone who boats has a favorite island or two. How about
everone listing some of theirs, along with some high points?
I'll start:
Northeast: Block Island and Martha's Vineyard. Both are convenient
to Long Island Sound and the NY/CT metro areas. Both have great
scenery and well protected harbors. Both have good fishing and
Caribbean: St Martin's, Antigua and Martinique - all for slightly
different reasons but all have good harbors, scenery, beaches and
Hi Wayne,
I have fond memories of time spent at Hope Town (Elbow Cay), Marsh Harbour
(Great Abaco), Spanish Wells (St. Georges Cay), Chub Cay and Fort Jefferson
(Garden Key).
Specifically, having locals bring a delicious dinner of Bahamian food to the
boat while at anchor in the beautiful harbor of Hope Town. Hottest damned
peppers I've ever encountered. Little yellow buggers would bring tears to
your eyes. Also, a wonderful day of fishing and conching out of Spanish
Wells guided by the one and only Aziel Bertram Pinder. A white-knuckle
landing at Marsh Harbour airport. Come to think of it, the departure
take-off was pretty wild as well. I was offered a chance to go fishing with
some guys I met at the marina at Chub Cay. They had a long and narrow
center console with BIG triple outboards. I swear the boat was in the air
as much as it was in the water. Fun ride. And finally, trading cold beer
for fresh shrimp with a shrimp boat off Fort Jefferson.
Good choices Russ. We have fond memories of Marsh Harbour, Hope Town
and Spanish Wells also. I assume you are talking about Ft Jefferson
in the Dry Tortugas? Very unique place. We had a Giant Grouper that
must have weighed at least 300 pounds camped out under our boat the
whole time we were there. Ever once in awhile he'd stick his nose
out where we could see him.
If you haven't been to Staniel Cay in the Exumas, I think you'd enjoy
that area also.